The Sound of Geberit

  • How to sonify a daily ritual?

    Geberit is a Swiss multinational group specializing in manufacturing and supplying sanitary parts and related systems. Responsibly made from fine and durable materials, Geberit products are a perfect balance of elegant design and outstanding function. We have been crafting the sound of Geberit since 2017, expanding it to audible brand touchpoints. The unique aspect of our audio strategy for Geberit was creating a sonic branding that unites the B2B and B2C parts of the brand with one sound.

  • The Sonic DNA of Geberit: Where design meets function.

    Based on two sets of sonic principles, which reflect the B2B and B2C communication of the brand, Geberit’s Sonic DNA inherits the customer facing inspiring, intuitive, light & fresh sound as well as the business facing reliable, collaborative, and innovative sound.

    Our inspiration for Geberit’s Sonic DNA turns “THE RITUAL” into sound.

    The ritual is both functional and inspiring, has rules and rites, is private and time stops when we enter. You experience a moment of clarity. Time stops and starts again when you leave.

  • The Sound Evolution of Geberit translated into a few seconds.

    Building on the Sonic DNA, we created the unique sonic logo for Geberit that incorporates the brand’s storytelling using sounds from the product experience combined with one of the main melodies from the Sonic DNA to create brand recognition.

    Hear the Sonic DNA traveling through the brand communication.

    The Sonic DNA implemented across internal communication, social media, and TV campaigns through various markets as well as applications demonstrate the flexibility of the entire audio strategy. The multitude of applications translates into trust-building, brand, and customer experiences.

    Innovative, product campaign: refreshing & humorous.

    The Sonic DNA has been translated for the most-known, award-winning product campaign for Geberit: AquaClean.

    “By specifically incorporating tongue-in-cheek humor, we are attempting to break through the ‘shower toilet taboo’ and at the same time stand out from our competitors through innovativeness.”- Margit Harsch, Head of Geberit AquaClean.

    Geberit’s Sonic Identity strengthens the connection between technical know-how and outstanding functional design.

    Take a listen to how Geberit connects the innovation with their unmistakable sound aesthetics, transporting the core of the brand through its’ Sonic DNA into a sound design crafted for the next level.


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