Best Audio Brands.
What is Best Audio Brands?
Introduced in 2019, Best Audio Brands is the first study of its kind, measuring how effectively brands use sound in all their communications. Our index ranks 100 of the world’s leading sonic brands to provide a more objective and data-centric overview of sonic branding. We rank brands in terms of overall sonic branding strategy and use of sound and music across all brand touchpoints. We uncover what sonic strategies are effective, determine strategic opportunities, and provide actionable solutions to boost brands’ sonic value and return on investment. We wish you an inspiring read!
The first worldwide ranking of sonic identities.

Top 10 Best Audio Brands.
2024’s Top 10 Best Audio Brands.

BAB issues.
2024 Best Audio Brands
2023 Best Audio Brands
2022 Best Audio Brands
2021 Best Audio Brands
2020 Best Audio Brands
2019 Best Audio Brands

Our ranking reveals which brands use sound and music most effectively across a 12-month period. We devised a set of evaluation methods and utilized our Sonic Hub Tool Ecosystem to generate data and facilitate our insights. Extensive desk research, AI evaluation, and social media monitoring are paired with sonic strategy analysis in the creation of Best Audio Brands each year.