amp’s Best Audio Brands Ranking 2020: How Mastercard and Shell have Cracked the Code of Sonic DNA and Created a Holistic Sonic strategy

Published by: The Power of Audio + Science + AI on January 4, 2021

In conversation with Björn Thorleifsson, Senior Strategist & Team Lead at amp.

My guest today is my new friend Björn Thorleifsson. We are fellow sonic branding enthusiasts with a big passion for sound research. Björn is a Consumer Behaviorist with a background in sound engineering and psychology. In this episode, Björn and I discuss AMP’s report, “Best Audio Brands 2020 Rankings”, their findings, and best practice.


#9.1 Björn Thorleifsson, Senior Strategist Team Lead at amp, “Testing audio that has been overlooked”. (02:12)

#9.2 Why Audio Brands Ranking is important for the industry. (09:56)

#9.3 amp’s Best Audio Brands system and methodology. (16:06)

#9.4 amp - the inventor of Sonic DNA.(22:14)

#9.5 Why McDonald’s dropped from number 1 to number 6. 2019 vs. 2020 Best Audio Brands analyzed. (25:22)

#9.6 The secret behind a successful Sonic Identify. (29:19)

#9. 7 What does the future of Audio Branding has in store for brands? (38:34)

#9. 8 Sounds Björn Thorleifsson loves and dislikes. (46:54)


Domino Saints Debut ‘Dancefreak’ Video During 2021 Copa America: Watch


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