What is Sonic Branding and How Can It Make Your Brand Stand Out?

Sonic branding, also known as audio branding or sound branding, is a game-changer and a powerful tool for businesses looking to make a lasting impact. But what exactly is it, and how can it give your brand a unique voice (literally)? Let’s dive in!

What is Sonic Branding?

Sonic branding is the art of using sound to communicate your brand's identity—think of it as the audio version of your logo. It’s more than just adding a jingle to a commercial. Sonic branding creates a distinctive soundscape that represents your brand across all touchpoints—whether it’s the music in your ads, the tone of your app notifications, or the sound your product makes.

The goal? Instant recognition. Think of Intel’s five-note chime or McDonald’s iconic “ba-da-ba-ba-ba.” You don’t even need to see the logo to know who it is—that’s the power of sonic branding.

Why is Sonic Branding Important?

"Do I really need sonic branding?" The answer is: absolutely! Here’s why:

  1. Boosts Brand Recognition: A strong sonic identity ensures your brand resonates in people's minds. A distinctive sound makes your brand unforgettable, even when it's not in sight.

  2. Creates Emotional Connections: Sound triggers emotions more effectively than visuals. Ever felt your mood lift with a catchy tune? That’s the emotional power of sonic branding, which can translate into stronger brand and customer loyalty.

  3. Cuts Through the Noise: In a world full of visual clutter, sound grabs attention and makes a lasting impression. Whether it’s in a commercial, podcast, or even while on hold, sound captures focus in ways visuals can't.

How Sonic Branding Works

Sonic branding is about more than creating a catchy jingle (though, let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good jingle?) It’s about crafting a full audio experience that embodies your brand identity. This is where amp´s invention of the Sonic DNA® comes into play. Let´s break it down:

Sonic DNA®

amp sonic DNA

Sonic DNA® is the distillation of brand attributes to define and construct an audible, recognizable, and memorable brand identity. Created through a design-focused, AI-driven process, it aligns with your brand’s mission, values, and personality. The result? A cohesive audio identity that spans all customer touchpoints, offering a truly immersive brand experience.

Key Elements of Sonic Branding

Sonic Logos

A sonic logo is the audio version of your visual logo. It’s usually a short, memorable melody or sound that captures your brand's essence. Think of it like your brand's theme song—just a few notes long but packed with identity. An example is Intel’s iconic five-note sonic logo.


Ah, jingles—the catchy little tunes that stick in your head for days. Think McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It.” A good jingle sticks in your head and aligns perfectly with the brand’s identity. It’s simple, upbeat, and perfectly aligns with the brand’s fun, friendly image.

Background Music and Brand Voice

In addition to logos and jingles, the music in your ads, videos, or even retail spaces plays a significant role in creating your brand’s audio identity. It sets the tone, tells your story, and speaks to your audience on a deeper level.

Then there’s the brand voice—literally. The tone and style of voiceovers in your content, the sound effects in your app, and even the sound your products make when in use, all contribute to your brand’s sonic footprint.

An example from one of amp's client projects, Philadelphia.

Top Brands Mastering Sonic Branding

Let’s look at some brands that are excelling at sonic branding:


Mastercard is playing the sonic branding game like a pro. Their Sonic DNA® is incorporated across all audible touchpoints, from commercials, at checkout, or on an app, the catchy and flexible sound is instantly recognizable and evokes trust, security, and seamless payments.


Their “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle, launched in 2003, remains a textbook example of sonic branding done right. It instantly reminds you of the golden arches and is simple, flexible, and impossible to forget.


Apple doesn’t just focus on sleek designs; they pay just as much attention to the sounds associated with their products. From the Mac startup chime to the camera click, Apple’s sounds are as iconic as their products. They enhance the user experience while reinforcing the brand's sleek and innovative identity.


The “ta-dum” sound when you start a Netflix show is short, sharp, immediately recognizable, and unforgettable. Whether you’re hearing it on your TV, laptop, or phone, you know you’re about to dive into some quality binge-watching. It’s a brilliant example of how sonic branding can build anticipation and recognition

How to Start with Sonic Branding

Ready to dive into sonic branding? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Define Your Brand’s Personality: Think about how you want your audience to feel. Just like you would with visual branding, you need to figure out what your brand stands for and how you want people to feel when they interact with it. Are you fun? Sleek? Warm? Your sonic branding should reflect that.

  2. Create a Sonic Logo: Develop a short, memorable melody or sound that embodies your brand. It doesn’t need to be complex—just distinct and feel “you.”

  3. Choose the Right Music: Select music that aligns with your brand's tone. Whether it’s energetic or calming, the right music enhances your brand experience.

  4. Consistency is Key: Just like visual branding, consistency is key. Use your sonic elements across all channels—ads, social media, in-store, and more. Repetition builds recognition.

  5. Adapt as You Grow: Your sonic branding should not be static. As your brand evolves, update your sounds to stay fresh, and vary your sound to match the vibe across different campaigns but keep the core identity consistent.

Final Thoughts

Sonic branding is your secret weapon and a powerful tool to create emotional connections with your audience, enhance brand recognition, ensure your brand stands out from the crowd, and make sure people remember your brand—even when people aren’t looking. Whether you’re an established brand or just starting, sound can take your branding to the next level and make it super sonic!


The Evolution of Sonic Branding