The Sound of Mastercard

  • The Global Benchmark for Sonic Branding.

    In an age where the experience is the brand, Mastercard continuously challenges the status quo of what experience means and how it‘s delivered. As the digital age and AI continue to transform the way we live, travel, shop and pay, Mastercard has built a brand strategy, appealing to all the senses and entrusted amp to make it "sound".

    Mastercard’s Sonic Identity sits at the heart of its holistic multi-sensory brand experience, with a Sonic DNA(r) that provides endless opportunities for audible expression.

  • The Sound of Trust and Inclusion.

    Now more than ever, it is critical for brands to provide platforms for inclusivity, be symbols of trust and confidence, and represent the quality that consumers expect - when they need it, how they want to receive it, and in a contextually relevant manner.

    With Mastercard amp created a holistic sonic identity designed to enable the brand to develop multi-sensory and profoundly emotional experiences across all its global audible B2B and B2C touchpoints.

    At the core sits a rich and unique Sonic DNA. It is the brand‘s audible expression and the source of exclusive musical ingredients that serve as the basis for all current and future Mastercard sonic assets, like Sonic Logos, global advertising campaigns, live and virtual experiences, digital and social, Metaverse and Web3 applications, and a unique sonic signature for payment transactions.

  • Authentically adapted across cultures and continents.

    Mastercard‘s holistic sonic identity is flexible and adaptable to the needs of its teams worldwide. Designed for global resonance and local relevance, the brand‘s sophisticated sonic identity considers different platforms and environments and is flexible and adaptable across regions, genres, and touchpoints.

    Working with a global artist network, the brand provides a colorful collection of bespoke musical content for all Mastercard communications while maintaining distinct and authentic audible brand recognition.

    Watermarked across global B2B and B2C campaigns and storytelling toolkits for major global Mastercard platforms.

    Mastercard’s Sonic Identity has been watermarked into key global campaigns supporting the brands' global inclusion efforts and services, such as the True Name® card for the LGBTQIA+ community or Touch Card for the visually impaired. From Mastercard’s global sponsorships of the UEFA Champions League to Women’s and Men’s Rugby World Cups to providing the soundtrack for and Mastercard’s global ESG and Sustainability programs.

    Consistent global implementation leveraging amp’s Sonic Space® cloud platform.

    Teams from around the world can access all Mastercard-owned sonic content through an exclusive cloud platform called Sonic Space. This central governance tool ensures global consistency and music expenditure savings, as all material belongs to Mastercard and can bere-used globally in perpetuity.


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