The Sound of Mercedes-Benz

  • How does New Luxury sound?

    For the seventh consecutive year, Mercedes-Benz has retained its position as the only European brand and the only luxury brand in the automotive sector in the top 10 of the 100 “Best Global Brands,” (Interbrand, 2022). How have we supported Mercedes-Benz with sound from 2018 to today? Our work was instrumental in shifting the Mercedes-Benz brand from an engineering brand to a creative one. From feature-driven campaigns to inspiring brand work, our collaborations are full of creative friction.

  • How did our Sonic DNA embody Mercedes-Benz through this brand shift?

    The Sonic DNA of Mercedes-Benz translates timeless into timely through consistency and creative friction. The aesthetic of modern luxury is characterized by timeless beauty, a combination of high-grade technology and craftsmanship, alongside elegant simplicity.

    Following the sonic principles, authentic, human, unexpected with a positive surprise, and ease, we created a flexible sonic thread – the Sonic DNA of Mercedes-Benz, that can be easily recognized within different emotions and brand experiences.

  • The perfect match between brand recognition and flexibility.

    Since 2018, we have used the Sonic DNA to create executions for all types of brand storytelling across all digital channels and global markets. Our sonic watermarking approach was bolstered by our international artist network, establishing Mercedes-Benz as a highly authentic brand across executions.

    Ingredients from Mercedes-Benz’s Sonic DNA have been watermarked to create meaningful connections.

    Expanding all types of brand and customer experiences.

    After expanding the Sonic DNA concept to the showroom and retail spaces, we started to work on live world premieres and long-form video formats to express the sound of Mercedes-Benz beyond ATL and social content.

    We used Sonic DNA in the soundtrack of the short film “Awake.” The short was created for a campaign in collaboration with the “Hochschule Fernsehen und Film München” (University of television and film Munich). The spot shows the danger of microsleep through the example of “Microsleep Detection.” Mercedes-Benz supported the project from the outset in terms of content and concept. amp created a bespoken soundtrack and sound design for this short film.

    The Secret Behind A Successful Sonic Implementation: Sonic Space.

    Using our secure, customizable cloud-based repository of branded sonic assets, we continue to support Mercedes-Benz and agency partners across all markets. With hundreds of tracks accessible spanning different genres and styles, all encoded with the Mercedes-Benz Sonic DNA, teams can use this material to support audio-visual productions on a large scale. When combined with our AI tools, Mercedes-Benz’s memorable Sonic DNA ingredients expand into an infinitely growing music library. These productions have resulted in three times the social engagement previously seen regarding the music. This considerable return on investment in the media production field showcases a consistent rise in brand equity.



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