The Sound of BBVA

  • How does the age of opportunities sound?

    BBVA is one of the largest financial institutions in the world, primarily covering Europe and The Americas. In 2016, BBVA shifted its brand positioning to bring “the age of new opportunities” to everyone.

  • The Sound of worldwide opportunity.

    BBVA’s Sonic Identity connects with the “customer first” mission of the brand, alongside its “inclusive”, “responsible” and “sustainable” banking model. Our inspiration for BBVA’s Sonic DNA is derived from a sailing metaphor, taking listeners on a journey to new opportunities.

    What does inspiration sound like?

    After analyzing brand values, brand purpose, and the overall “age of opportunities” positioning, we established the following sonic attributes for BBVA: dynamic, inspiring, advising, authentic, and self-determined. The BBVA audio experience needed to reflect this brand positioning, guiding customers to a brighter, hope-filled future.

  • Listen how these sonic attributes come to life within BBVA’s Sonic DNA.

    We expanded the Sonic DNA to mobile and digital touchpoints of BBVA.

    How did we expand BBVA’s Sonic DNA to all audible touchpoints?

    Using our patented sonic watermarking approach, we were able to implement the Sonic DNA across different touchpoints creating a variety of sonic assets. This translation of brand experience across cultures allowed for the continued building of brand equity and memorability.

    A Sonic DNA that went viral.

    In the spirit of bridging the opportunity gap, we shared the Sonic DNA with a budding band from Spain, MAICO, to provide both visibility for the brand and the artist behind the music. The band went on tour across Spain performing this song with BBVA’s Sonic DNA. The result was a chart-topping hit song in Spain and an infectious earworm tied to BBVA with the brand’s storytelling in mind.


BBVA holds its promise of bringing the age of opportunities to everyone by sharing the Sonic Identity with talented newcomers.


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