The Sound of Philadelphia

  • And The Journey into Immersive Pleasure.

    Philadelphia Cream Cheese is an iconic institution in the Kraft-Heinz universe of comfort-forward staple foods. Iconic status aside, how does Philadelphia Cream Cheese sound? To answer this question, we began with the product itself. The smooth and creamy texture serves as the perfect accouterment to a vast variety of foods, magically transforming dishes with a pleasurable flair. We discovered that Philadelphia Cream Cheese doesn’t just taste good, every bite provides an Immersive experience, and the audio branding of Philadelphia is needed to enhance this sensory journey.

    Our inspiration for Philadelphia’s Sonic DNA:

    The development of Philly’s Sonic DNA was based on defining musical parameters that represented their brand voice and enhanced Philly’s Immersive Pleasure. The Philly Sonic DNA “Can’t Fake It” is a delightfully textured composition with layers of deliciously catchy melodies, harmonization, and groove. “Can’t Fake It” strikes the perfect balance of comfort, joy, energy, and authenticity while helping transform Philly into a sonically viable CPG brand focused on building brand equity.

  • How the Sound of Philadelphia Translates into 20 minutes of Soundscapes.

    The first sonic execution for the Philly Sonic DNA was a delicious and high-profile series of soundscapes for a pop-up restaurant in New York City. The red carpet was rolled-out for FEELADELPHIA, an innovative and immersive multisensory dining experience. Every course featured Philly Cream Cheese and was paired with a specific custom soundscape that tapped into specific healing frequencies. These frequencies were designed to heighten the sonic sense of each selected dinner guest and elevate brand experience. The melodic ingredients from Philly’s Sonic DNA were adapted to various genres: ambient, dance, pop, folk, funk, and more, showcasing the strength, versatility, and transformative nature of the Philly Sonic DNA. The dinner guests left FEELADELPHIA with satiated appetites and catchy, memorable Philly-specific sonic in their ears.

    How the Sound of Philadelphia Translates into a 3-Second Mnemonic.

    While long-form, immersive soundscapes provide ample opportunity to apply ingredients from the Philly Sonic DNA - how do you apply the Philly Sonic DNA to a short, memorable, and sonic mnemonic that could be used as a Sonic Logo? The most prominent melody from the Philly Sonic DNA, the Chorus response melody, was selected after thorough testing and research determined it to be the most recognizable musical ingredient in the audio experience. After our in-depth sound design and development process, the Philly Sonic Logo arrived; an enticing and memorable melody blossomed into a unique and transformative sonic asset. With both memorable built-in dynamic repetition and comforting resolution, the Philadelphia Sonic Logo will stay with Philly and evoke the sonic immersive pleasure to all who hear it.

  • A Holistic Sonic Identity for Philadelphia.

    Philly’s sonic identity is built upon sonic guidelines which move beyond a collection of melodies and serve as a pillar of the brand’s Immersive Pleasure promise. The Sound of Philadelphia will make you smile and might make you hungry, all while exemplifying the Transformative, Pleasurable, Enticing, Authentic, and Charming brand attributes the iconic CPG brand is known for.


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