Getting to know…Michele Arnese, Founder & CEO, amp
Sitting down with talented folk from the agency to discuss their careers to date and what makes them tick.
Image from Coley Porter Bell
Michele, when and how did you become interested in sonic branding?
It all started with my passion for music… and specifically with The Beatles, I’m a lifelong fan. As a child, I couldn’t even see the record on my parents’ hi-fi, but I put the needle down, and there they were. I learned every lyric and note of their discography, teaching myself guitar through their songs. My studies in music – piano, clarinet and guitar, alongside information technology and early AI systems (I created a neuronal network that could tell you if you are a good drummer or not 🙂), shaped my understanding of sound in the digital age. I used synths, computers and drum machines when I was 14. This multi-layered background enabled me to see sonic branding as more than just a jingle; it’s an identity that can convey a brand’s values and essence across multiple touchpoints. By blending music and technology, I found new ways to make brand-sound experiences immersive, intuitive and emotionally resonant on a global scale. I became fascinated by how sound communicates emotions and ideas almost subconsciously. Over time, I realised sound could be a powerful layer in how brands engage with people, shaping identities through deep, multi-sensory experiences that convey a brand’s essence at every touchpoint.
Tell us about starting amp.
I founded amp in Munich in 2009, we now have 60 colleagues spread across major cities such as Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, London, Los Angeles, New York and Dubai. From the start I had a clear mission: to create a company where sound could serve as an integral part of brand identity, not an afterthought. The idea was to create an agency that specialised not just in music production but in identities. By talking to the brands and consulting with them, we can create their musical expression that’s unique to them. I wanted amp to focus on crafting “sonic DNA”, a concept we patented years ago, that would be uniquely authentic to each brand and could engage people across cultures and platforms. We’ve been able to work with incredible brands, like Mastercard, Mercedes-Benz and Uber, building comprehensive sonic identities that strengthen their connection with audiences worldwide.
What is the project you are proudest of and why?
One project I’m especially proud of is the work we have done and do with Mastercard. This project – actually is a 6 years long sonic journey and one of the most successful sonic benchmarks worldwide – pushed us to create a global audio identity that would resonate in a huge variety of settings and cultures, from point-of-sale to digital media. The sonic DNA we developed for them had to be both instantly recognisable and flexible. It was inspiring to see how sound could help Mastercard build deeper connections with people around the world, and it validated our approach of treating sound as an essential part of brand storytelling.
When you aren’t at work, what do you love to do?
I love spending time cooking, for my family and for friends. I just love food and all its simplicity and complexity at the same time. I also listen to music while I am home. I am an avid record collector… I am a big fan of Italian design from the ’60s and ’70s, and traveling also fuels my creativity. Experiencing the sights, sounds, and nuances of different cultures often sparks new ideas that I can bring into our work at amp.
What piece of advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to embrace patience and follow your passion. Building a career in sonic branding has taught me that true innovation takes time. When you’re passionate, it’s easy to want to make big leaps quickly, but I’ve learned that some of the best work comes from letting ideas mature and evolve. Building something meaningful requires persistence and faith in the process. Like David Bowie one time said “aging is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been” – so keep doing what you love to do, don’t be afraid of mistakes and risks, and learn every single day.
What excites you about the future of the world of sonic branding?
The future of sonic branding is incredibly exciting. With AI, voice interfaces, and immersive technologies becoming more common, brands have endless opportunities to use sound in innovative and creative ways. I believe sound will become as important as visual branding, allowing brands to engage on a whole new level. We’re only just beginning to see how dynamic and personalised sonic branding can become, and I’m thrilled for amp to be leaders in this evolving landscape.