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Le Son Dopamine Le Son Dopamine

Harmonizing Brand Identity in the Digital Age: The Keys to Sound Strategy with amp Sound Branding

In the latest episode of the "Le Son Dopamine" podcast, I had the privilege of chatting with Al Miseri, Head of Creative Production at amp Sound Branding, a leading sound design agency. Al shared insightful expertise on the evolution of sound creation, shedding light on the pivotal role played by amp Sound Branding in crafting powerful sonic identities.

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creativebrief creativebrief

The New Age of Sonic Branding

Sonic branding has seen incredible growth as a sector over the last five years, building from an incredibly niche field to a widely celebrated and recognized industry. The majority of the world’s top international brands rely on well-thought-out sound to both communicate and sell their products to consumers.

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ADC Group ADC Group

“Il sonic branding crea equity e genera una brand identity differenziante che accresce la fiducia dei consumatori. Italia in ritardo, ma le opportunità stanno crescendo”

Come spiega ad ADVexpress Michele Arnese, Global Ceo di amp, il primo passo è un ‘sound logo’ come quelli di Intel o McDonald’s. Oggi, però, serve molto di più: in un mondo full digital e always on, l’importanza della componente sonora e i benefici di una strategia audio in termini di riconoscibilità, differenziazione e vera e propria brand equity sono innumerevoli. Anche con l’aiuto dell’Intelligenza Artificiale.

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